Achilles Building Confidence

Omega Environmental Services are pleased to announce that we have recently attained the Achilles Building Confidence accreditation.

This is the latest string to our rather wide bow of accreditations. This emphasises our commitment to delivering a professional service through our H&S, Quality and Environmental aspects of work.

Please see below a list of our Accreditation Certificates:

2. Achilles Building Confidence
3. Achilles UVDB
4. Constructionline Gold
5. ISO 9001
6. ISO 14001
7. OHSAS 18001
8. SSIP – Acclaim
10. SSIP – SafeContractor
11. SSIP – SMAS Contractor & PC

Should you find yourself with any Asbestos Removal or Land Remediation requirements we would be more than happy to assist. Please feel free to email us at where one of our team will respond.